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2022-11-02T13:47:12Z |
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2022-11-02T13:47:11Z |
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2022-11-02T13:47:06Z |
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2022-11-02T13:47:06Z |
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2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
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2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
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2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
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2022-11-02T13:46:50Z |
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2022-11-02T13:46:46Z |
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2022-11-02T13:46:45Z |
signed contract.pdf |
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2022-11-02T13:46:03Z |
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2022-11-02T13:46:03Z |
season_onset_monitoring_Southern_Northern.jpeg |
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2022-11-02T13:45:59Z |
scan0004.pdf |
12.99 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:01Z |
reçus.pdf |
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2022-11-02T13:45:50Z |
responsesdraftquestionnairewWMOSClimSA Activ 2.1,Survey ACMAD, prelim compil, rev04aug22dginputs.pdf |
493.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:48Z |
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2022-11-02T13:45:45Z |
reportacmadboardmarch2021draft_LG(1).doc |
182.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:44Z |
report_fr_KAMGA_FOAMOUHOUE_akamgaf-yahoo-com_N1213390_202208261745.pdf |
275.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:45Z |
report_15th_EUMETSAT_USER_FORUM_20220913.doc |
142.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:45Z |
releve conclusion 20CA-ACMAD_EN.pdf |
1.226 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:42Z |
rcc_factsheet_content_respond.docx |
25.32 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
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2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
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22.98 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
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22.98 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
rcc_factsheet_content _v1(1).docx |
22.98 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
rapport MAM vf.docx |
1.079 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:21Z |
programme_formation_verifcation_prevision.doc |
18.43 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:06Z |
programme.pdf |
285.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:06Z |
previ.xlsx |
119.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:05Z |
presentacion Guinea Ecuatorial per.ppt |
321.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:03Z |
policy-brief-1---coproduction.pdf |
595.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:58Z |
performanceevaluationtemplate-modele.docx |
50.40 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:54Z |
performance_assessment_template.docx |
31.05 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:54Z |
pdf_wmo_wis_factsheet.pdf |
194.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:53Z |
pdf_wmo_wis_factsheet-4.pdf |
194.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:53Z |
pdf_wmo_wis_factsheet-3.pdf |
194.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:53Z |
pdf_wmo_wis_factsheet-2.pdf |
194.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:52Z |
pdf_wmo_wis_factsheet-1.pdf |
194.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:52Z |
monitoringproductsgenerationtablefoorindivudualstaff.xlsx |
26.01 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:36Z |
monitoringproductsgenerationtablefoorindivudualstaff(3).xlsx |
26.01 Kbytes |
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monitoringproductsgenerationtablefoorindivudualstaff(2).xlsx |
26.01 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:36Z |
monitoringproductsgenerationtablefoorindivudualstaff(1).xlsx |
26.01 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:36Z |
meeting-89907576819.ics |
2.309 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:30Z |
lettrerelanceMinaffetrangeresiegeacmad.docx |
18.03 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
lettre_dominique.pdf |
271.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:27Z |
lettre_CEEAC.pdf |
360.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
lettre_CEEAC-1.pdf |
360.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
lettre Invitation Services Meteo COP27.pdf |
562.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
leteernitificationtoBDMSdirector.doc |
86.01 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:25Z |
itd_mean_position.pdf |
143.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:50Z |
invitation INAUGURATION.pdf |
123.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:48Z |
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438.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:38Z |
hs_md13.pdf |
2.359 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:35Z |
hs_md13-1.pdf |
2.359 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:34Z |
hess-18-611-2014.pdf |
2.410 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:32Z |
goodannual&quarterlyworkplan.xlsx |
18.78 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:24Z |
global seasonal forecasts 20220909.pptx |
1.436 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:19Z |
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532.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:07Z |
flyerVF-3.pdf |
532.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:07Z |
flyerVF-2.pdf |
532.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:07Z |
flyerVF-1.pdf |
532.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:07Z |
figure_pluie.pdf |
144.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:02Z |
figure_pluie-1.pdf |
144.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:02Z |
fiducial expertise.pdf |
227.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
export-table.xls |
7.333 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
e3h8a_expendverif_en(1).docx |
77.84 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:59Z |
décision classification mise à disposition.doc |
80.89 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:58Z |
dtao-travaux.doc |
855.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:58Z |
desktop.ini |
282.0 bytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:42Z |
demande CAQ.pdf |
83.57 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:35Z |
dcpcexampleofwebpages.docx |
13.94 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:29Z | |
194.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
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24.19 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
conceptnoteuserinterfaceworkshop(3).doc |
292.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
climatechange_africa_v1.pptx.pdf |
3.939 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:05Z |
climatechange_africa_v1.pptx |
8.072 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:05Z |
cf9dfba593148297d8d8b0abd1c42612.docx |
34.08 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:03Z |
briefing.pdf |
2.827 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:56Z |
balance 471210.doc |
221.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:54Z | |
632.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:45Z |
archive(9).zip |
5.702 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:46Z |
archive(8).zip |
60.63 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:44Z |
archive(7).zip |
130.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:44Z |
archive(6).zip |
130.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:44Z |
archive(5).zip |
1.490 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:44Z |
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331.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:44Z |
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1.738 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:44Z |
archive(2).zip |
3.292 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:43Z |
archive(18).zip |
1.122 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:42Z |
archive(17).zip |
1.122 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:41Z |
archive(16).zip |
15.02 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:43Z |
archive(15).zip |
1.012 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:40Z |
archive(14).zip |
173.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:39Z |
archive(13).zip |
3.829 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:40Z |
archive(12).zip |
239.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:39Z |
archive(11).zip |
345.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:39Z |
archive(10).zip |
22.0 bytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:39Z |
archive(1).zip |
331.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:39Z |
annex-a_wiser-toc-1.pdf |
116.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:38Z |
alignement protocolaire Discours Ouverture du MINT-Atelier de l'ACMAD 22072022_updated.doc |
89.08 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:35Z |
[15200477 - Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society] Tropical Africa’s first testbed for high-impact weather forecasting and nowcasting.pdf |
2.578 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:12Z |
Zoom_cm_fo42anktZ9vvrZo4_mCOXtcmaWdKJ48Mx57B6IVm2fBL89+I6-5n1H@eA4I4hjlhwE6-RnA_k444722a538e5579a_.exe |
137.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:12Z |
Workshop Report.docx |
47.48 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:11Z |
Work Plan and Activities Leta20220809.doc |
142.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:11Z |
Wehubit Interview guide.docx |
32.93 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:02Z |
Wehubit Interview guide FR_UCLIP.docx |
41.80 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:02Z |
WWRP Implementation Plan 2024-2026_8Aug2022.docx |
108.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:12Z |
WP7 monthly report_Aug 2022 v3.docx |
132.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:11Z |
WMO_RFWCS_Template-Appendix_v1.5_Clean (Final).docx |
1.446 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:11Z |
WMO_RFWCS-Guidelines_v1.5_Cleaned (Final).docx |
841.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:11Z |
WMO_NFWCS-Guidelines_Final -10.05.20222 (Final).docx |
1.468 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:11Z |
WMO_NFWCS-Appendix-Template__Final -10.05.20222 (Final).docx |
2.189 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:10Z |
WMO_GADCU_2022-2026.pdf |
5.051 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:10Z |
WMO_ENLN_Update-Aug2022-final_approved.docx |
589.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:07Z |
WMO_Director_RegionalOfficeforEurope_2217_20221006_en.pdf |
85.12 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:07Z |
WMO_Director_RegionalOfficeforAsiaandSouthWestPacific_2216_20221006_en.pdf |
85.31 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:07Z |
3.396 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:07Z |
589.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:06Z |
WISER_Concepts_Stage 1_SouthernAfrica_WMO IBF S2S AA v1.pdf |
355.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:06Z |
WISER_Concepts_Stage 1_SouthernAfrica_SUBMISSIONTEMPLATEdocx.docx |
317.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:05Z |
WISER_Concepts_Stage 1_SouthernAfrica_SUBMISSIONTEMPLATEdocx(1).docx |
344.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:05Z |
WISER_Concepts_Stage 1_SouthernAfrica.pdf |
440.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:04Z |
WISER-FCFA-coproduction-manual.pdf |
9.779 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:05Z |
WGTMR discussion points.pptx |
302.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:02Z |
WEF Questions and Answers.docx |
15.74 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:02Z |
WCRP_OSC_flyer 10.08.22.pdf |
1.186 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:59Z |
WCA 2022 Flooding Snapshot_as of 8 September 2022_final.pdf |
2022-11-02T13:46:57Z |
WCA 2022 Flooding Snapshot_as of 8 September 2022_final-1.pdf |
16.17 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:47:02Z |
Virtual Speakers Guide_v1.docx |
24.26 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:57Z |
Vigilance maps for LRF and Dekadal Technical Notes.pptx |
1.673 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:57Z |
Victor_ToR deliverable summary.pdf |
127.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:57Z |
Victor_ToR deliverable summary-1.pdf |
127.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
Victor Indasi_Consultant Report_Final.docx |
49.29 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
Vaileth TMA_tasks_plan.docx |
37.01 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
Vaileth TMA_tasks_plan(2).docx |
37.01 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
Vaileth TMA_tasks_plan(1).docx |
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2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
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2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
Untitled.eml |
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2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
UiP-workshop_page-Proposed-changes.pptx |
682.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
UKRI FLF R7 EoI_BD_final.docx |
56.32 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
UIP Workshop Report_Ver1.docx |
7.917 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:56Z |
UIP Workshop Report_Ver1(1).docx |
8.005 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:55Z |
Two Pager_UN Early Warning Systems Initiative.pdf |
1.244 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:52Z |
Training_Catalogue_WWFD_20220909-Lawal.doc |
156.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:52Z |
Training_Catalogue_WWFD_20220909-Lawal(1).doc |
156.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:52Z |
Training_Catalogue_WWFD_20220908-edited-Lawal-4.doc.docx |
29.34 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:52Z |
Training_Catalogue_WWFD_20220802-edited-Lawal.doc |
189.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:51Z |
TrainingWS2019_CIRDT_moisselin.pdf |
10.15 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:52Z |
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus as an Adaptation_Nhamo.pdf |
1.401 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:50Z |
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus as an Adaptation_Nhamo-1.pdf |
1.401 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:50Z |
Template 9è Consulation_CEEAC-EM 10 06 2022.ppt |
241.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:48Z |
Technical_Note_on_State_of _Climate_in_Africa_in_JanDec_2020best.pptx |
30.64 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:39Z |
Technical_Note_on_State_of _Climate_in_Africa_in_JanDec 2021_Final.pptx |
2022-11-02T13:46:28Z |
Technical_Note_on_State_of _Climate_in_Africa_in_JanDec 2021_Final(1).pptx |
35.32 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:39Z |
TechnicalSpecification1-2.doc |
1.121 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:25Z |
Technical Report Part B_FOCUS AFRICA clean.docx |
2.898 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:23Z |
Teams_windows_x64.exe |
2022-11-02T13:46:21Z |
Teams_windows_x64.Eqr7U5Yz.exe.part |
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2022-11-02T13:46:27Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA8CC91EE6A3D5-7-0_c_w_.exe |
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2022-11-02T13:46:20Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA59C01BA53AF9-7-0_c_w_.exe |
2022-11-02T13:46:20Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA59C01BA53AF9-7-0_c_w_.LJzOErZI.exe.part |
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2022-11-02T13:46:20Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA59BFF96D6F30-7-0_c_w_.exe |
1.424 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:20Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA59BFB95D7496-7-0_c_w_.exe |
1.424 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:20Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA59BFB0246143-7-0_c_w_.exe |
1.424 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:19Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA59BEC737B9A9-7-0_c_w_.exe |
1.424 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:19Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA58D408812930-7-0_c_w_.exe |
1.424 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:19Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA58D3FD9D38DD-7-0_c_w_.exe |
1.424 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:19Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA583913CAB12E-7-0_c_w_.exe |
1.424 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:18Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA5839007BD118-7-0_c_w_.exe |
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2022-11-02T13:46:18Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA5838C3F37BEC-7-0_c_w_.exe |
1.424 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:18Z |
TeamsSetupx64_s_8DA5838C2838B97-7-0_c_w_.exe |
1.424 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:17Z |
Task 2 report08.8.docxmok.docx |
3.692 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:17Z |
Tableau Execution An1.xlsx |
108.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:17Z |
Tableau Execution An1(1).xlsx |
108.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:17Z |
TORs DRR experts ACMAD.docx |
45.89 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:50Z |
TORs DRR experts ACMAD(1).docx |
45.89 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:50Z |
38.84 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:49Z |
TECO-2022-FINAL_programme.pdf |
101.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:47Z |
TDR_GREMA_July_2022.docx |
17.94 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:17Z |
22.51 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:17Z |
23.60 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:16Z |
Summary of the Baseline Study of ClimSA Programme.docx |
186.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:15Z |
Status of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems in Africa-20220804.pdf |
12.56 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:14Z |
Status of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems in Africa-20220804-1.pdf |
12.56 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:14Z |
State_of_African_Mountain_Glacier_2020_en.pdf |
109.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:08Z |
Special-Travel-Advice-for-Travelers-Entering-Samoa_August-2022.pdf |
964.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:04Z |
Situation_Zinder.pptx |
1.408 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:04Z |
Side event application_FRANCE_Early warnings for all.docx |
79.34 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:02Z |
Side Event Application Form - UNFCCC COP 27 - Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt.docx |
32.74 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:02Z |
Sept. 2022 WP.docx |
17.23 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:59Z |
Scan.pdf |
530.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:58Z |
Samoa-CLIMSA_ToRs_Mission.docx |
91.48 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:57Z |
SWIO11-6-Cyclone_Activity.pdf |
1.647 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:16Z |
SWIO11-4-Rainfall_forecast.pdf |
230.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:16Z |
SWIO11-3-Large-Scale-Context.pdf |
1.690 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:16Z |
SWIO11-2-Using the probabilities_JP.pdf |
2.066 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:16Z |
SWIO11-1-Seasonal_forecast_introduction.pdf |
605.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:15Z |
ST_SGB2003_13.pdf |
32.30 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:14Z |
STATUTS DU CAPC-AC (Revue).doc |
303.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:14Z |
SSC-report2022.pptx |
1.923 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:08Z |
SRO_WA_Final Draft report FinalkenAd.docx |
10.09 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:07Z |
SRO_WA_Final Draft report FinalkenAd(1).docx |
10.09 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:08Z |
SPREP_Project Manager_CLIMSA_September 2021_FINAL.pdf |
472.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:04Z |
SGDPFS_roadmap_v1.0.docx |
186.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:02Z |
89.15 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:02Z |
506.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:02Z |
293.1 Kbytes |
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290.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:01Z |
76.95 Kbytes |
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75.78 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:01Z |
SERCOM-2-d05-1(8)-AMENDMENT-WMO-NO-49-VOL-I-CAP-REC-PRACTICE-draft1_en.docx |
77.42 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:01Z |
SERCOM-2-d05-1(7)-AMENDMENT-TO-WMO-No-558-471-AND-574-draft1_en.docx |
1.282 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:01Z |
78.74 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:01Z |
SERCOM-2-d05-1(3)-AMENDMENT-WMO-49-V1-UPDATE-WMO-1209-draft1_en.docx |
104.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:01Z |
93.08 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:01Z |
SERCOM-2-d05-1(1)-UPDATES-MANUAL-GDPFS-WMO-NO-485-draft2_en.docx |
96.13 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:01Z |
SERCOM-2-d05-1(1)-UPDATES-GDPFS-CLIMATE-HYDRO-MARINE-TC-draft1_en Final draft 7 Sept.docx |
101.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:01Z |
96.98 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:00Z |
96.98 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:00Z |
156.2 Kbytes |
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72.29 Kbytes |
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85.76 Kbytes |
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119.3 Kbytes |
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SERCOM-2-INF05-1(1)-UPDATES-MANUAL-GDPFS-WMO-NO-485_en(2).docx |
119.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:02Z |
SERCOM-2-INF05-1(1)-UPDATES-MANUAL-GDPFS-WMO-NO-485_en(1).docx |
119.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:02Z |
98.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:46:02Z |
SC-RW-NEFII-REP-2022-08-10-MS4CR-Program-Update-Meeting-Report.pdf |
279.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:58Z |
SC-RW-II-REP-2019-09-13-MS4CR-Internship-Project-Description-Template.docx |
99.06 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:58Z |
SAWIDRA_PNT_20220914_fr.pdf |
1.589 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:58Z |
189.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:57Z |
SARCOF_26-forum-Programme_draft.pdf |
269.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:57Z |
SARCOF 26 concept note.pdf |
236.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:57Z |
SANSA_RARS_OP_COST_Full_Message_01_08_2022.docx |
30.17 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:57Z |
SAM&C.pdf |
223.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:57Z |
SADC RVAA Roundup Feb_March 2022 English.pdf |
2.153 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:57Z |
SADC RVAA Roundup Feb_March 2022 English-1.pdf |
2.153 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:56Z |
S3.1_WMC_Services_HRNWP.pdf |
691.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:56Z |
S3.1_WMC_Services_HRNWP-1.pdf |
691.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:56Z |
S2S - SSC Meeting Thursday AM.pptx |
6.642 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:56Z |
S2.1_Review the recommendation from WMCs Workshop.pdf |
1.303 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:54Z |
S1.2_SGDPFS-Pilot-Project_WaiKinWONG.pdf |
2.896 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:54Z |
S1.1_SGDPFS_Roadmap_final.pdf |
1.369 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:53Z |
Réservation DG.docx |
12.82 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:53Z |
Risk Communications Working Group - call 4 slides.pptx |
1.746 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:51Z |
Risk Communications Working Group - call 3 slides.pptx |
2022-11-02T13:45:50Z |
Risk Communications Working Group - call 3 slides.39DIjp1_.pptx.part |
249.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:50Z |
Review of Decisions and recommendation of 2nd PSC.docx |
38.64 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:48Z |
Review Report.pdf |
207.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:49Z |
Review Report-1.pdf |
207.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:49Z |
Review Report Final_with FA responses v1.docx |
92.15 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:48Z |
Report_Maixent_25Jul-25aug2022.docx |
5.417 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:47Z |
Report_Maixent_15Jun-14Jul2022.docx |
2.031 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:45Z |
Report Task1 Wed01.06.2022_Reviewed12.08.2022mok1.docx |
314.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:44Z |
Report Task1 Wed01.06.2022_Reviewed12.08.2022.docx |
310.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:44Z |
Release Letter from NiMet.pdf |
234.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:41Z |
3.513 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:23Z |
Rapport_diallo_ACMAD.pdf |
4.950 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:28Z |
Rapport_diallo_ACMAD-2.pdf |
4.950 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:24Z |
Rapport_diallo_ACMAD-1.pdf |
4.950 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:24Z |
Ram_Progress Report_ May 22.docx |
12.02 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:21Z |
Ram_Progress Report_ Mar 22.docx |
141.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:15Z |
Ram_Progress Report_ June 22.pdf |
23.83 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:20Z |
Ram_Progress Report_ Apr 22.docx |
2.212 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:14Z |
Ram_Progress Report_ Apr 22(1).docx |
2.212 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:15Z |
Ram_MMS_Tasks_plan.docx |
33.92 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:14Z |
Ram_MMS_Tasks_plan(3).docx |
35.25 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:14Z |
Ram_MMS_Tasks_plan(2).docx |
35.19 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:13Z |
Ram_MMS_Tasks_plan(1).docx |
33.92 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:13Z |
Ram_Activitiy Plan_Schedule_March_2022_to_February_2023.doc |
373.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:13Z |
RVAA Synthesis-Report-2013_English.pdf |
2022-11-02T13:45:52Z |
RVAA Synthesis-Report-2013_English-2.pdf |
2.787 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:52Z |
RVAA Synthesis-Report-2013_English-1.pdf |
2.787 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:52Z |
2.736 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:48Z |
2.642 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:47Z |
REPORT ON 3rd stakeholders workshop.docx |
2022-11-02T13:45:42Z |
REPORT ON 3rd stakeholders workshop.TwXoIFEz.docx.part |
9.176 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:44Z |
112.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:40Z |
REAP_September Partnership Meeting_ Readout.pdf |
144.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:39Z |
REAP_Jul 2022 Partnership Meeting_Readout.pdf |
142.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:38Z |
REAP_August_Partnership Meeting_Readout.pdf |
138.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:38Z |
REAP_August_Partnership Meeting_Readout-1.pdf |
138.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:37Z |
REAP-Meeting_ACMAD_Climate_services_Draft1.pptx |
37.56 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:43Z |
REAP - Towards the Perfect Weather Warning.pptx |
4.342 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:36Z |
RDT_20220809130000_MSG_fulldomain_epsg4326_TRAJ.geojson |
69.23 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
RDT_20220809130000_MSG_fulldomain_epsg4326_TRAJ(1).geojson |
69.23 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
RDT_20220809130000_MSG_fulldomain_epsg4326_BTST.geojson |
1.543 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
RCC_Web_page_update_table.xlsx |
19.85 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
26.87 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
240.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
270.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:35Z |
265.9 Kbytes |
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225.4 Kbytes |
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234.1 Kbytes |
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232.8 Kbytes |
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238.9 Kbytes |
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241.1 Kbytes |
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243.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:33Z |
711.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:32Z |
707.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:30Z |
RAPPORT_DMC 2016 .docx |
50.42 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:34Z |
238.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:21Z |
Q5_CLIMSA_IT_EXPERT_Report_DIT_April_May_June_2022_F.docx |
873.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:13Z |
Présentation_UPI_Products_Cape_Verde.pptx |
1.958 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:13Z |
Présentation_UPI_Products_1.pptx |
3.597 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:13Z |
Présentation_UPI_Products.pptx |
7.368 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:13Z |
Présentation_UPI_Products(1).pptx |
7.368 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:11Z |
Provisional Agenda-CLIMSA 3rd PSC Meeting Rev2.pdf |
716.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:09Z |
Provisional Agenda-CLIMSA 3rd PSC Meeting Rev2-1.pdf |
716.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:09Z |
Proposition List des Participants_CLIMTAG Training.docx |
85.97 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:09Z |
Projet de lettre ANACIM-CLIMTAG_Training.docx |
41.76 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:09Z |
Project_Experts_Monthly_Report_Template_ClimSA.docx |
127.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:09Z |
Project_Experts_Monthly_Report_Template.doc |
254.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:08Z |
Project-Timesheet-PDF-1.pdf |
549.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:08Z |
Progress_Report_JANSEN_MAY2022.docx |
3.444 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:08Z |
Progress_Report_JANSEN_MARCH2022.pdf |
970.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:08Z |
Progress_Report_JANSEN_MARCH2022-1.pdf |
970.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:07Z |
Progress_Report_JANSEN_JUNE2022.docx |
346.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:07Z |
Progress_Report_JANSEN_JULY2022.docx |
2.108 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:07Z |
Progress_Report_JANSEN_APRIL2022.pdf |
1.604 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:07Z |
Progress Report_ July 22.pdf |
578.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:06Z |
Progress Delivrery plan.xlsx |
50.01 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:06Z |
Programme trimestriel d'activités et chronogramme RH.xlsx |
10.25 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:06Z |
Programme 15th UFA-Final.pdf |
544.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:06Z |
Products Locations.docx |
12.19 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:06Z |
Press Release_Anticipatory Action in Niger_16 September 2022.pdf |
67.39 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:05Z |
Preface - Signed.pdf |
211.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:00Z |
Preface - Signed-1.pdf |
211.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:59Z | |
36.00 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:06Z |
Policy_brief_son_ond_2020_final.pdf |
726.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:59Z |
Policy_brief_son_ond_2020_final-1.pdf |
726.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:58Z |
Policy Brief - Africa Institutional and Operational Framework for Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Early Action 26 November 2021 - 20220804.pdf |
3.922 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:58Z |
Policy Brief - Africa Institutional and Operational Framework for Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Early Action 26 November 2021 - 20220804-1.pdf |
3.922 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:58Z |
Point des dépenses directes et indirectes de ACMAD-FOCUS.xlsx |
129.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:57Z |
Plan_Mise_en_Oeuvre_CCR_CAPC-AC.pdf |
1.617 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:56Z |
Particiapants ANACIM.pdf |
343.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:51Z |
PV réunion 14 juillet 2022.xlsx |
32.76 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:13Z |
PV attribution audit climsa 2022.doc |
157.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:13Z |
PV DE CLOTURE_ACMAD_16 09 22_Revu.pdf |
245.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:13Z |
132.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:09Z |
138.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:09Z |
PROJET_LETTRE_RCI_290922.docx |
243.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:09Z |
PROJET_LETTRE_RCI_29 09 22.docx |
227.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:09Z |
PROGRAMME_public.pdf |
724.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:06Z |
258.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:06Z |
685.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:04Z |
PREPARE-Action-Plan.pdf |
426.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:02Z |
PREPARE-Action-Plan-2.pdf |
426.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:01Z |
PREPARE-Action-Plan-1.pdf |
426.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:45:01Z |
PO-20220711-000708.pdf |
103.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:57Z |
11.83 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:55Z |
14.62 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:55Z |
14.62 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:55Z |
10.38 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:54Z |
23.75 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:56Z |
Operation&Maintenace Cost.pdf |
68.82 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:51Z |
Officialinvitation email.docx |
14.50 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:48Z |
359.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:50Z |
2.094 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:49Z |
NowCasting_No628_04_10_2022_12-00TU.pdf |
908.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:48Z |
Notification - Article 6.4 Supervisory Body Meeting 02.pdf |
199.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:47Z |
Note_Service_placementstaffsurprojetJan2020.doc |
70.65 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:46Z |
Note_Conceptuelle_Webinaire_GTAC_Final.pdf |
187.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:46Z |
Note verbale.pdf |
435.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:45Z |
Note verbale-1.pdf |
435.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:45Z |
Note presentation ACMAD_DIT_2022.pdf |
5.494 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:42Z |
Note presentation ACMAD_DIT_2022.doc |
43.48 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:51Z |
Note d information-Marrakechad.pdf |
261.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:39Z |
Note Verbal for Visa on arrival.pdf |
3.476 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:44Z |
Nombre de personne Mois.xlsx |
20.94 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:39Z |
Nombre de Jours Travaillés du Dr André.xlsx |
95.70 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:39Z |
Newsletter 20_Aug 2022.pdf |
3.390 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:39Z |
Monthly-Timesheet-PDF.pdf |
409.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:37Z |
Monthly Newsletter template.docx |
17.88 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:36Z |
Modèle TDRs mission.docx |
259.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:36Z |
Mission Report FOCUS Africa_ Sunshine.pdf |
447.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:34Z |
Mémo Synthèse DMC 2016.docx |
122.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:34Z |
Mémo Synthèse DMC 2016(1).docx |
131.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:34Z |
Memo_DIT_Inventaire_ACMAD.pdf |
293.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:33Z |
Memo_DIT_Inventaire_ACMAD-2.pdf |
293.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:32Z |
Memo_DIT_Inventaire_ACMAD-1.pdf |
293.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:31Z |
Master PPT CVM3 Methodology Update and Review Conference.pdf |
16.29 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:36Z |
Maputo_Programme_latest_07092022.docx |
1.617 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:30Z |
Manuel_Procédures_Passation_Marchés.pdf |
1.517 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:30Z |
MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe |
1.423 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:38Z |
257.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:37Z |
257.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:37Z |
251.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:37Z |
251.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:36Z |
252.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:36Z |
MJJA 2022 Seasonal Outlook_draft.pptx |
1.393 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:35Z |
MHEWS Consultation_Methodology_institutions.docx |
679.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:34Z |
244.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:33Z |
284.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:33Z |
284.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:33Z |
Lttre d'Affir DMC 2017.pdf |
1.457 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:29Z |
Liste des immobilisations_2015-2016 def.xls |
454.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:27Z |
Lightning Talks Scedule.xlsx |
12.16 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:27Z |
Lightning Talks Scedule(1).xlsx |
12.30 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:27Z |
Lettre_PRs_PRESAC-16_Vfinal.doc |
61.95 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:27Z |
Lettre_PRs_PRESAC-16.doc |
62.46 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:27Z |
Lettre_Chine_au_Niger_pour_Nouveau_siege_ACMAD.pdf |
1.803 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:27Z |
Lettre_Chine_au_Niger_pour_Nouveau_siege_ACMAD-1.pdf |
1.803 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:27Z |
Lettre formation METEO MALI.doc |
23.04 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
Lettre d'affirmation 2.pdf |
630.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
Lettre d'affirmation 1.pdf |
602.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
Lettre Niger COP27.docx |
41.58 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
Lettre N170 lettre Ibrahim Ousmane aux partenaires.pdf |
89.94 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
Lettre Invitation PRs_CLIMTAG.docx |
47.79 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
Letter 5234-22 Observer Organizations.pdf |
180.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
Letter - WMO -ofrepresentation.doc |
70.14 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
Letter - WMO -09-09-2022.doc |
60.92 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
Letter - WMO -09-09-2022(1).doc |
70.14 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
Letter - ACMAD final_Aug2022.pdf |
246.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:25Z |
Last_LRF_Tech_Note.ppt |
2022-11-02T13:44:25Z |
Last_LRF_Tech_Note.Geotiju9.ppt.part |
4.664 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:25Z |
Last_LRF_Tech_Note(1).ppt |
38.61 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:25Z |
Last_Dekad_Tech_Note.pptx |
2022-11-02T13:44:13Z |
Last_Dekad_Tech_Note.DX6sCunH.pptx.part |
5.138 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:13Z |
Last_Dekad_Tech_Note(1).pptx |
22.66 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:23Z |
LRF_ACCOF-08-UpdatedSlides.ppt |
2022-11-02T13:44:28Z |
LRF_ACCOF-08-UpdatedSlides.AAwNvkU8.ppt.part |
88.62 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:28Z |
LRF_ACCOF-08-UpdatedSlides(1).ppt |
8.483 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:29Z |
LIST OF ACMAD ClimSA STAFF- Oct 2022.doc |
71.16 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:27Z |
LETTRE_attribution _mission audit 2021.pdf |
251.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
LETTRE_AUC-17-10-22.pdf |
341.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
18.86 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:26Z |
Kamga Foamouhoue, Venus Nelly - Cameroun - A23_ADMISSION.pdf |
287.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:09Z |
KIMPALATraining Workshop on Climate Service for Agriculture Toolonjune30forsept52022_EV_HW.docx |
30.97 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:10Z |
Johannesburg-adaptation_liste_mesures.pdf |
1.674 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:09Z |
Johannesburg-adaptation_etudes_internationales.pdf |
720.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:09Z |
JO 185230 TOR.pdf |
37.38 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:08Z |
Itinerary - 2022-10-07T194200.297.pdf |
178.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:50Z |
Invited participants to Africa Climate Week 2022.docx |
23.26 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:50Z |
Invited participants to Africa Climate Week 2022(1).docx |
13.61 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:49Z |
Invitation-SAC-Climate-Services-Dec-2022_2.pdf |
330.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:49Z |
Invitation-SAC-Climate-Services-Dec-2022_2-1.pdf |
330.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:49Z |
Invitation Letter SARCOF -26 Partners.pdf |
120.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:48Z |
Invitation ACMAD.pdf |
210.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:48Z |
Intra_ACP_Need_capacity_assessment_Report_AGRHYMET.doc |
154.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:47Z |
Information Note to observers - Opening of ORS for COP 27.pdf |
165.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:47Z |
Information Note to UN and IGOs - GGA WS3.pdf |
133.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:47Z |
Information Note for EPRbyOCHA_VF.doc |
3.320 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:46Z |
Information Note for EPR.doc |
1.829 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:45Z |
Information Note - Informal consultations and technical dialogue of the first GST under the Paris Agreement.pdf |
125.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:45Z |
Information Note - Enhancements on the Secretariats Main Website.pdf |
179.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:44Z |
Informal Peer Review Group - invitation_AKamga.pdf |
174.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:44Z |
IWTC-9_WWRP_2020_2.pdf |
63.46 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:08Z |
INVITATION LETTERtoPRsforattendinCOP27-1.docx |
39.34 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:49Z |
84.36 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:44Z |
INFCOM-2-d01-2-METHODS-OF-WORK-draft1_en.docx |
91.05 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220927-WA0002.jpg |
31.77 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220915-WA0009.jpg |
31.65 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220915-WA0008.jpg |
35.61 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220915-WA0008(1).jpg |
35.61 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220824-WA0004.jpg |
29.81 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220824-WA0004(1).jpg |
29.81 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220718-WA0005.jpg |
44.74 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220718-WA0004.jpg |
44.66 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220718-WA0003.jpg |
43.26 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220718-WA0002.jpg |
44.50 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220711-WA0024.jpg |
72.18 Kbytes |
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21.36 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220701-WA0009.jpg |
44.52 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220624-WA0009.jpg |
94.39 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220624-WA0007.jpg |
74.43 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220623-WA0026.jpg |
71.29 Kbytes |
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IMG-20220209-WA0012.jpg |
31.51 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:38Z |
IA, WMO and ACMAD, ClimSA Activ 2.1,signed 29apr2022.pdf |
5.484 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:38Z |
IA, WMO and ACMAD, ClimSA Activ 2.1,signed 29apr2022-1.pdf |
5.484 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:36Z |
High level statement - Dar es Salaam - v1.0 EN-FR.docx |
668.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:33Z |
High level statement - Dar es Salaam - v0.4 EN-FR.docx |
45.06 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:33Z |
High level statement - Dar es Salaam - v0.4 EN-FR MDK.docx |
51.69 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:32Z |
Global_Forecasts_Discussion_20220811.pptx |
1.936 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:24Z |
Global-Guide-to-Tropical-Cyclone-Forecasting.pdf |
20.70 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:23Z |
Geo-Web Application Developer Expert_NORCAP.docx |
32.77 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:18Z |
GSCU_SON2022_update.pdf |
924.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:31Z |
GSCU_SON2022_supplementary_info_LC-LRFMME.pdf |
30.40 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:30Z |
GL ANALACMAD 2017.xls |
41.47 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:19Z |
GL 2017 ACMAD.xls |
140.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:18Z |
GHACOF62-technical report.pdf |
2022-11-02T13:43:18Z |
GDPFS_Symposium_Flyer.pdf |
307.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:18Z |
GDODroughtNews202208_East_Africa.pdf |
4.012 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:16Z |
GCF_B.34_01_Drf.02 - Provisional agenda.pdf |
185.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:13Z |
FoxitPhantomPDF97_enu_Setup_Dist.msi |
202.0 bytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:10Z |
FoxitPDFReader1122_enu_Setup_Prom.exe |
168.5 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:44:08Z |
Formation_verification_prévision saisonniere.doc |
67.07 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:08Z |
Formation_Action_Prevision_Numeriqueèdu_Temps_20220907.docx |
33.44 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:08Z |
Firefox Installer.exe |
348.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:07Z |
Final Draft 2021 Consolidated Narrative Report Clean.docx |
538.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:07Z |
Final Climsa22 Forum Agenda.pdf |
182.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:06Z |
FileZilla_3.60.2_win64-setup.exe |
11.84 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:06Z |
FileZilla_3.60.1_win64_sponsored2-setup.exe |
12.24 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:05Z |
Fax à ACMAD - PTBA 2015 et Re�vision de la LBS_Oct27_2015.docx |
177.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
Fax à ACMAD - PTBA 2015 et Re�vision de la LBS_Oct27_2015(1).docx |
177.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
Facture_4421627_INFOMANIAK_renouvellement_2022_2023.pdf |
13.73 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
Facture Proforma_OVO_Croissant Magique.pdf |
1.102 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
FV Portail Tableau Frais Dossier Visa CFA FR.pdf |
535.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:11Z |
1.499 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:08Z |
FOCUS_Africa_D7_1_Capacity_development_needs_and_plan_SADC_revised_August2022.pdf |
786.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:08Z |
FOCUS_Africa_D7_1_Capacity_development_needs_and_plan_SADC_revised_August2022-1.pdf |
786.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:08Z |
FOCUS_Africa deliverable matrix.xlsx |
20.03 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:07Z |
FOCUS-Africa_ExCom10_Minutes.docx |
101.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:07Z |
FOCUS-Africa_D7.1 FINAL revised 19072022.docx |
504.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:07Z |
FOCUS-Africa_D7.1 FINAL revised 19072022(2).docx |
504.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:07Z |
FOCUS-Africa_D7.1 FINAL revised 19072022(1).docx |
504.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:07Z |
FAllercvin03.pdf |
66.84 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
Esther_Botswana_Expert_deliverablesActivities_Plansimple.docx |
17.85 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
Esther_Botswana_Expert_Activities_Plan.docx |
18.46 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
Esther_Botswana_Expert_Activities_Plan(1).docx |
18.46 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
Esther_Botswana_Climate_Expert_Deliverable_Activities_Plan.docx |
30.47 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
Eng_Synthesis_ECOWAS Vision 2050 Revised 19 OCT Clean.docx |
114.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:59Z |
Eng Full_VISION 2050 ECOWAS Revised 19 OCT Clean.docx |
1.005 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:59Z |
Eighteenth session of AWGDRR-Revised Draft agenda-300922-English.pdf |
261.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:59Z |
Eighteenth session of AWGDRR-Draft agenda-20 22-English.pdf |
242.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:59Z |
Eighteenth Session of AWGDRR_Draft Concept note_2022_French.pdf |
203.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:59Z |
Eighteenth Session of AWGDRR-Concept note-2022-English.pdf |
173.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:59Z |
Eighteenth Session of AWGDRR-Concept note-2022-English-1.pdf |
173.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:59Z |
Early Warning Systems and Action Expert_NORCAP.docx |
28.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:59Z |
1.903 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
ENSO-Update-Aug-2022-info-en.pdf |
7.752 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:43:01Z |
ECDATA.pptx |
140.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:59Z |
Désignation.pdf |
815.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:59Z |
Décisionremunerationpersonel.doc |
78.84 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:58Z |
Draft_RCC Guidance_June2022.docx |
14.88 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:58Z |
Draft_RCC Guidance_June2022(1).docx |
14.88 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:57Z |
Draft_Program_Pre-Forum_OND_2022_Vfinale.pdf |
157.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:53Z |
Draft_Program_Pre-Forum_OND_2022.pdf |
157.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:52Z |
Draft_PRESAC_Forum_OND_2022.docx |
288.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:52Z |
Draft_PRESAC_Forum_OND_2022(1).docx |
307.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:52Z |
Draft_Official_Invitation_Letter_fr.docx |
16.33 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:52Z |
Draft_Official_Invitation_Letter_eng.docx |
14.04 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:52Z |
Draft_Communique Finale_PRESAC-16.docx |
2.252 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:52Z |
Draft_Communique Finale_PRESAC-16(1).docx |
2.252 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:52Z |
Draft_Budget-PRESAC-16_OND_2022.xlsx |
10.22 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:51Z |
Draft_ACMAD_Presentation_Eumetsat Forum 2022.pptx |
10.47 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:52Z |
Draft_ACMAD_Presentation_Eumetsat Forum 2022(1).pptx |
10.47 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:50Z |
Draft-ACMAD- Contribution EPR July2022.pptx |
12.39 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:49Z |
Draft Template ClimSA Concept Note-COP27 V1.docx |
125.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:46Z |
Draft Side Event Application ACMAD Inputs-GP2022.docx |
40.21 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:45Z |
Draft Programme 3rd ECCAS ClimSA Meeting 29 July 2022.docx |
137.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:45Z |
Draft Concept note-ACW 2022-31-08-2022-AU-SIDE EVENT.docx |
48.51 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:45Z |
Draft Concept note-ACW 2022-31-08-2022-AU-SIDE EVENT(1).docx |
48.51 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:45Z |
Draft Concept note-ACW 2022-26-08-2022.docx |
48.49 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:45Z |
Document_CEA_Nouvelle_Relation.pdf |
941.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:45Z |
Document 6.pdf |
1.947 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:44Z |
Dietetique-A22-H23.pdf |
2.522 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:43Z |
Desig Part Guinée.pdf |
229.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:41Z |
Description of the SAC_2022_05.pdf |
95.56 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:39Z |
Demande d'agrement Climatisation DAIKIN.pdf |
174.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:36Z |
Deliverables.xlsx |
8.074 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:35Z |
Deliverables(1).xlsx |
8.064 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:35Z |
Deliverable_4_1.docx |
8.824 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:37Z |
Deliverable_3_3.docx |
54.10 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:35Z |
Del.2. WP and amendment.docx |
20.80 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:33Z |
Del.1&2.-Inception Report & WP.docx |
43.03 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:33Z |
Dek3_Sep_2022_TN.pptx |
21.44 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:35Z |
Dek3_Aug_2022_Technical_Notes(TN).pptx |
2022-11-02T13:42:29Z |
Dek3_Aug_2022_Technical_Notes(TN).nde6fwaD.pptx.part |
12.58 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:32Z |
Data_Costs.xlsx |
25.85 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:29Z |
DSC_0053.JPG |
63.24 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:58Z |
DSCF2297.JPG |
1.274 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:58Z |
DRAFT program-SIDE EVENT-REV 27 AUGUST 2022.docx |
45.00 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:45Z |
DRAFT program-SIDE EVENT-REV 01 SEPT 2022.docx |
44.41 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:45Z |
DRAFT program-SIDE EVENT-REV 01 SEPT 2022(1).docx |
44.41 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:45Z |
1.004 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:45Z |
DK. Inputs.Draft_Communique Finale_PRESAC-16.docx |
2.263 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:44Z |
DK Consultant Monthly Report MHEWS Support (ACMAD).pdf |
268.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:44Z |
34.32 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:38Z |
36.45 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:43Z |
265.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:37Z |
Crew_Togo_Previsions_climatiques_Rapport_f.docx |
1.109 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:28Z |
Countersigned Contract.pdf |
602.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:28Z |
Copy of balance AGHRIMET 2017.doc |
370.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:28Z |
Contrat Everest ClimSA 2022 revu.doc |
90.62 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
Contract_Victor_Indasi_ACMAD_WMO-ClimSA.docx |
49.05 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
Contract_Victor_Indasi_ACMAD_WMO-ClimSA(3).docx |
49.05 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
Contract_Victor_Indasi_ACMAD_WMO-ClimSA(2).docx |
49.05 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
Contract_Victor_Indasi_ACMAD_WMO-ClimSA(1).docx |
49.05 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
Contract_Sunshine_ACMAD_WMO-ClimSA_v4.doc |
94.20 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
Contract_Sunshine_ACMAD_WMO-ClimSA.doc |
79.36 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
Contract_Sunshine_ACMAD_WMO-ClimSA(1).doc |
79.36 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
Continental_Hazard_Outlook_20220815.pptx |
3.675 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
Continental_Hazard_Outlook_20220808.pdf |
2.825 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:26Z |
Continental_Hazard_Outlook_20220721.pdf |
2.846 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:26Z |
Continental User Interface Platform Workshop Inivation.doc |
102.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Continental UIP Workshop Programme_Ver1.doc |
88.57 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Continental Brief for Policy and Decision Makers_August_to_November_2022_EN_Impacts.png |
422.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Continental Brief for Policy and Decision Makers_August_to_November_2022_EN_Impacts(1).png |
422.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Contacts template - simplified.xlsx |
28.19 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Consultant Report_Victor_11Jul-5Aug2022.docx |
42.21 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Consultant Monthly Report.docx |
81.25 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Consultancy timesheet and invoice_Victor_Final.xlsx |
65.16 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Consultancy timesheet and invoice_Victor_11Jul-5Aug2022.xlsx |
66.07 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Concept_Note_Only_Release_SoC_A_Final.docx |
27.43 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Concept_Note_Only_Release_SoC_A_Final(1).docx |
27.43 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Concept note- NFWCS and RFWCS consultative meetings 18 August 2022.docx |
47.72 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:24Z |
Concept note and draft agenda of 2nd ClimSA Forum.docx |
160.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:24Z |
Concept note Meningitis meeting 112022_21JULY2022.docx |
37.76 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:24Z |
Concept Note_PRESAC-16_OND2022_Vfinal.pdf |
231.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Concept Note_PRESAC-16_OND2022.docx |
291.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Concept Note_PRESAC-16_OND2022(1).docx |
291.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:25Z |
Concept Note and Agenda AMHEWS Meeting v3(1).pdf |
291.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:24Z |
Concept Note Training REC_SADC.pdf |
175.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:24Z |
Concept Note 3rd ECCAS ClimSA Meeting 29 July 2022.docx |
138.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:23Z |
Concept Note - High Level Event - MTG AMSAF - 12 sept 2022.doc |
55.29 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:23Z |
CollIns_Asega_CV.pdf |
232.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:23Z |
Climsaacmadsemester2year1reportnewntacmadn.docx |
1.407 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:10Z | |
30.69 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:24Z |
Climate Information and Communication Officer_NORCAP.docx |
30.76 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:03Z |
Climate Experts 4th Coordination meeting Agenda.docx |
19.85 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:03Z |
ClimSA_Survey_A2p1_Part3_Inst_Tech_Infra_Rview.doc |
3.104 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:17Z |
ClimSA_Survey_A2p1_Part3_Inst_Tech_Infra_Rview(1).doc |
3.104 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:15Z |
ClimSA22 Login and Join Session.pdf |
224.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:08Z |
ClimSA Forum_ACMAD_Presentation_DRR.pptx |
23.12 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:14Z |
ClimSA Forum State of Play PPT Template.pptx |
3.890 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:08Z |
ClimSA Forum State of Play PPT Template(2).pptx |
3.890 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:07Z |
ClimSA Forum State of Play PPT Template(1).pptx |
3.890 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:06Z |
ClimSA Forum Agenda_For Speaker Input_2022-08-05 (1).docx |
40.55 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:05Z |
ClimSA Forum Agenda_2022_09_08.docx |
72.35 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:05Z |
ClimSA Communication strategy at ACMAD_Draft1.docx |
51.99 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:05Z |
ClimSA Activ 2.1,Survey ACMAD, prelim compil, rev2aug22.docx |
39.55 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:05Z |
ClimSA Activ 2.1,Survey ACMAD, prelim compil, rev2aug22(1).docx |
39.55 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:05Z |
ClimSA -Note conceptuelle à la francophonie-COP27.docx |
30.22 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:05Z |
Candidature Alain LOUMOUAMOUpdf.pdf |
292.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:02Z |
Calcul du coup de l'amortissement des équipements acquis sur la période.docx |
28.30 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:02Z |
CVM2ndEd-Climate-Storms.pdf |
1.847 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:29Z |
CVM2ndEd-Climate-Drought.pdf |
1.837 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:28Z |
COP 27 Official notification to NGOs and IGOs.pdf |
262.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
COP 27 Official notification to NGOs and IGOs-1.pdf |
262.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:27Z |
CLIMTAG FLYER final.pdf |
575.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:22Z |
CLIMTAG FLYER final-1.pdf |
575.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:22Z |
CCDA-X-Concept-Note.pdf |
389.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:03Z |
CCDA-X-Concept-Note-3.pdf |
325.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:03Z |
CCDA-X-Concept-Note-2.pdf |
325.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:02Z |
CCDA-X-Concept-Note-1.pdf |
389.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:02Z |
CCDA-X Provisional Programme Version 1.2.pdf |
366.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:02Z |
CCDA-X Programme Version 1.0 - Draft clean.pdf |
202.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:02Z |
CCDA-X Information Note.pdf |
402.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:02Z |
Bulletin de Paie du DG.xlsx |
177.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:01Z |
Bulletin Meningite_2022_S26.pdf |
1.621 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:02Z |
Bulletin Meningite_2022_S26-1.pdf |
1.621 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:02Z |
Bulletin 4 Climat et Ressources en Eau_CNSC Niger-Septembre 2022.pdf |
6.359 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:01Z |
Budget execution table March 2021-August 2022.xlsx |
113.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:57Z |
Budget execution table March 2021-August 2022(1).xlsx |
114.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:56Z |
Briefing-MISVA_20220719.pptx |
23.73 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:42:01Z |
Balance générae au 31122016..doc |
515.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:54Z |
Bail koubia.docx |
24.35 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:54Z |
Back_From_Mission_Report_by_Sunshine and Dominc.pdf |
1.249 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:54Z |
65.78 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:55Z |
61.98 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:55Z |
61.98 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:55Z |
Avis de recrutement d'Assistant Administratif et Financier.pdf |
1.609 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:54Z |
Avis de recrutement d'Assistant Administratif et Financier-1.pdf |
1.609 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:53Z |
Avis de recrutement d'Assistant Administratif et Financier VF2.pdf |
1.905 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:53Z |
Avis de recrutement d'Assistant Administratif et Financier VF2-1.pdf |
1.905 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:52Z |
Avis Assistant Administratif et Financier.doc |
113.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:52Z |
Autres coûts directs de l'ACMAD.xlsx |
30.80 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:52Z |
Aug-Sept. 2022 Progress report EWS Expert ACMAD.docx |
114.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:52Z |
Attestation de réussite.PDF |
130.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:46Z |
Article_Monde.pdf |
638.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:46Z |
April report.docx |
239.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:39Z |
April report(1).docx |
239.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:39Z |
Approved_Report on the ACMAD Board Meeting in May 2022 (1).docx |
104.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:39Z |
Annual-Payroll-Processing-Template.xlsx |
361.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:38Z |
Annexe VII Modèle de rapport sur les constatations factuelles et termes de référence techniques pour la vérification des dépenses d’un contrat de subvention conclu dans le cadre des actions extérieures .pdf |
1.834 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:39Z |
Annex A_WISER TOC.pdf |
116.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:38Z |
Analogue years discussion.pptx |
2022-11-02T13:41:37Z |
Analogue years discussion.ICYEq7fj.pptx.part |
312.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:37Z |
Analogue years discussion(1).pptx |
4.779 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:38Z |
Amendment - AMD-869575-9 (3).pdf |
2.786 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:36Z |
Amendment - AMD-869575-9 (3)-1.pdf |
2.786 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:36Z |
Aligning the SOP with the FRAMEWORK.docx |
21.65 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:35Z |
Aide_Memoire_2022_Regional_Symposium_30_Sep.pdf |
382.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:34Z |
Agrhymet_ACP-RCC_Capacity_Assessment survey_part2_V2.doc |
216.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:34Z |
Agenda_Oct 5 & 6.pdf |
345.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:34Z |
Agenda_Oct 5 & 6-1.pdf |
345.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:34Z |
Agenda_Annual_meningitis meeting_MenAfriNet 2022_En_21JULY2022_.doc |
108.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:34Z |
Agenda for Speakers - ClimSA Forum [Samoa].docx |
41.27 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:33Z |
Agenda for 2022 RS_Sep 29.pdf |
204.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:32Z |
Agenda at a Glance_Regional Symposium 2022_19 Sep.pdf |
43.08 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:32Z |
Agenda Symposium.docx |
366.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:34Z |
Agenda Symposium(2).docx |
366.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:33Z |
Agenda Symposium(1).docx |
366.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:33Z |
Agenda - High Level Event - MTG - 12 sept 2022.doc |
679.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:32Z |
Africa_2021_SoC_Draft_v10.docx |
9.501 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:34Z |
Africa_2021_SoC_Draft_v10(1).docx |
9.501 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:31Z |
AfMS-Committees.xlsx |
65.29 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:27Z |
Addresse mail RTC SOUTH AFRICA.docx |
23.38 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:27Z |
Activ 2.1,IA, ACMAD eval ECCAS-AGRHYMET-17dec21-for-approval-rev25mar (Working Copy)-clean.docx |
702.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:27Z |
Activ 2.1,IA, ACMAD eval ECCAS-AGRHYMET-17dec21-for-approval-rev25mar (Working Copy)-clean(2).docx |
702.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:26Z |
Activ 2.1,IA, ACMAD eval ECCAS-AGRHYMET-17dec21-for-approval-rev25mar (Working Copy)-clean(1).docx |
702.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:25Z |
A_JSXX50ECEP161200_C_ECMP_20220916120000_tropical_cyclone_track_70P_178p3degE_-21p1degS_bufr4.bin |
6.678 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:54Z |
A_HWXY85ECEM161200_C_ECMF_20220916120000_216h_em_ws_850hPa_global_0p5deg_grib2.bin |
93.22 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:54Z |
AUC_EN_CW_05_08_2022.pdf |
1.166 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:52Z |
AUC_EN_085_14_10_2022.pdf |
1.528 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:52Z |
AUC_EN_085_14_10_2022-1.pdf |
1.528 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:51Z |
AUC_EN_081_30_09_2022.pdf |
1.538 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:51Z |
AUC_EN_080_27_09_2022.pdf |
1.534 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:50Z |
AUC_EN_079_23_09_2022.pdf |
1.537 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:50Z |
AUC_EN_076_13_09_2022.pdf |
1.536 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:49Z |
AUC_EN_075_09_09_2022.pdf |
1.540 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:49Z |
AUC_EN_074_06_09_2022.pdf |
1.540 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:49Z |
AUC_EN_074_06_09_2022-1.pdf |
1.540 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:48Z |
AUC_EN_073_02_09_2022.pdf |
1.539 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:48Z |
AUC_EN_072_30_08_2022.pdf |
1.542 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:47Z |
AUC_EN_071_26_08_2022.pdf |
1.542 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:47Z |
AUC_EN_071_26_08_2022-1.pdf |
1.542 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:47Z |
AUC_EN_070_23_08_2022.pdf |
1.540 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:46Z |
AUC_EN_069_19_08_2022.pdf |
1.541 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:46Z |
AUC_Concept_Note_Maputo_Meeting.pdf |
128.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:46Z |
AUC_Concept_Note_Maputo_Meeting-1.pdf |
128.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:46Z |
ANDREKAMGAFOAMOUHOUE09968311651481482.pdf |
812.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:38Z |
AMHEWAS Training of Trainers Course rev lusajo (1).docx |
371.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:36Z |
AIMS-MS4CR-Internship-ACMAD-Project-4-2023.docx |
103.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:35Z |
AIMS-MS4CR-Internship-ACMAD-Project-3-2023.docx |
102.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:35Z |
AIMS-MS4CR-Internship-ACMAD-Project-2-2023.docx |
102.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:35Z |
AIMS-MS4CR-Internship-ACMAD-Project-1-2023.docx |
103.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:35Z |
AIMS-MS4CR-Internship-ACMAD-Project-1-2023(1).docx |
103.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:34Z |
AGRHYMET_ACP-RCC_Capacity_Assessment survey_part1_V2.doc |
242.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:34Z |
24.81 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:28Z |
229.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:24Z |
ACMAD_Technical_notes_for_synoptic_forecast_20220829.pdf |
20.17 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:28Z |
ACMAD_SitRoom_Presentation_Addis_Oct-2022_msg.pptx |
2022-11-02T13:41:23Z |
ACMAD_SitRoom_Presentation_Addis_Oct-2022_msg.8DlTGbVE.pptx.part |
25.18 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:22Z |
ACMAD_SitRoom_Presentation_Addis_Oct-2022.pptx |
25.42 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:24Z |
ACMAD_SOND_Dry _Mask.dbf |
371.0 bytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:23Z |
ACMAD_SOND_Dry _Mask(1).dbf |
371.0 bytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:23Z |
ACMAD_PV de démarrage.docx |
126.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:14Z |
475.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:13Z |
ACMAD_Climate and Environmental Factors_20220707.pptx |
3.326 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:13Z |
ACMAD_ACCOF-09_Synthesis_05Oct2022.pptx |
10.93 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:12Z |
ACMAD_ACCOF-08_Synthesis.ppt |
13.06 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:12Z |
ACMAD_ Circularisation.doc |
44.54 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:07Z |
ACMADClimSAcoordinationmeetingsminutes.xlsx |
37.37 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:07Z |
ACMAD3_Andre KAMGA FOAMOUHOUE_Honorarium Agreement.docx |
344.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:07Z |
ACMAD3_Andre KAMGA FOAMOUHOUE_Honorarium Agreement(1).docx |
344.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:07Z |
ACMAD2_Kamoru Abiodun LAWAL_Honorarium Agreement.pdf |
221.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:07Z |
ACMAD2_Kamoru Abiodun LAWAL_Honorarium Agreement.docx |
344.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:07Z |
ACMAD1_Pierre Honore KAMSU TAMO_Honorarium Agreement.docx |
344.3 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:07Z |
ACMAD-ClimSA-del-Progress-S1_Yr2.xlsx |
198.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:07Z |
ACMAD-ClimSA-del-Progress-S1_Yr2(3).xlsx |
233.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:07Z |
ACMAD-ClimSA-del-Progress-S1_Yr2(2).xlsx |
233.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:07Z |
ACMAD-ClimSA-del-Progress-S1_Yr2(1).xlsx |
238.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:06Z |
ACMAD VERSION Corr _ SAP005_Training and capacity building plan Excerpts.docx |
2.958 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:06Z |
ACMAD VERSION Corr _ SAP005_Training and capacity building plan Excerpts(1).docx |
2.958 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:06Z |
ACMAD Review and Verification of MJJA_2022.ppt |
3.922 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:06Z |
ACMAD Collaboration Concept Note - 28-07-2022.docx |
43.66 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:05Z |
ACMAD Collaboration Concept Note - 28-07-2022(1).docx |
43.66 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:05Z |
ACCOF_08_Programme_EN_Final_Draft.pdf |
206.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:05Z |
ACCOF_08_Programme_EN_Final_Draft-1.pdf |
206.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:04Z |
205.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:04Z |
251.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:04Z |
825e73148220c082b4f528262f5dc5e2.pdf |
750.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:04Z |
825e73148220c082b4f528262f5dc5e2-1.pdf |
750.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:04Z |
5.8 RSMC Climate Reanalysis Arun KUMAR.pdf |
1.002 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:04Z |
5.7_Integration of TIGGES2S data archive into GDPFS.pdf |
674.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:04Z |
5.6_Training and capacity building.pdf |
2.112 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:03Z |
5.5_Operational Flood Forecasting Needs for NWP_v2.0.pdf |
784.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:03Z |
5.3 Updated List of Core Products Arun KUMAR.pdf |
345.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:02Z |
5.1_UpdatedCoreData-Ken Mylne.pdf |
341.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:02Z |
4th ACTs WA round 5th meeting notes 27 June 2022.docx |
15.39 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:02Z |
4th ACTs WA round 5th meeting notes 27 June 2022(1).docx |
15.39 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:02Z |
4th ACTs WA round 4th meeting notes 22 June 2022.docx |
16.50 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:02Z |
4b34cc1bf1623b6d6532ed63ff6ae276.pdf |
777.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:02Z |
4b34cc1bf1623b6d6532ed63ff6ae276-1.pdf |
777.9 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:02Z |
485_en.pdf |
1.416 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:02Z |
485_en-1.pdf |
1.416 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:02Z |
4.5_SAWS-RA1_GDPFS-Practices_WMO-Stephanie Landman.pdf |
6.604 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:01Z |
3545_ftp.pdf |
1.959 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:56Z |
305_Ed-1993_en.pdf |
28.45 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:41:01Z |
3.5_SERCOM-SC-CLI-S2S-GDPFS Requirements.pdf |
1.918 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:55Z |
3.1 Introduction to GPCs Arun KUMAR.pdf |
1.621 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:53Z |
3. CVM_draft economic analysis_20221006.pdf |
293.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:52Z |
2nd ClimSA PSC decisions and recommendations cp amend-clean version.pdf |
511.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:51Z |
2nd Annual ClimSA Forum Information Note.pdf |
565.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:50Z |
2_b6bda6_Tropical Weather Outlook based on 0300 UTC of 07.10.2022.pdf |
325.4 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:52Z |
20443-newsletter-no-172-summer-2022.pdf |
16.45 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:53Z |
20443-newsletter-no-172-summer-2022-1.pdf |
16.45 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:50Z |
2022_09_05_CLIMTAG_Training_Exercise.pptx |
31.96 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:50Z |
20220928- REAP Partnership meeting CLARE update from FCDO.pdf |
777.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:41Z |
202208_gses_second_wksp_cn.pdf |
401.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:40Z |
2022 Cover Letter IA Intra-ACP ACMAD_Activity 2.1.docx |
458.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:40Z |
2022 Cover Letter IA Intra-ACP ACMAD_Activity 2.1(1).docx |
458.8 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:39Z |
2022 005 Call for Proposals_0.pdf |
236.6 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:39Z |
2019_GIZ_VA_Togo_Final-Report.pdf |
9.968 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:41Z |
2015-GTAO3-WP10_WMO_ASECNAandWIS.pdf |
1.263 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:39Z |
2.6_WMO-Presentation-Tallapragada.pdf |
3.178 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:39Z |
2.5_SERCOM_SC-DRR_Jean-Noel Degrace.pdf |
619.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:37Z |
2. CVM3 Health Analysis Preliminary Results.pdf |
4.130 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:38Z |
18th session of AWGDRR-Information Note _18 AWG _ 30-09-2022.pdf |
244.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:37Z |
17th session of AWGDRR-Action Points-status and next steps-ENG.docx |
144.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:36Z |
17th session of AWGDRR-Action Points-status and next steps-ENG(1).docx |
144.1 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:36Z |
17524-2022-S-I-SERCOM-2-INFCOM-2_en.pdf |
142.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:36Z |
17524-2022-S-I-SERCOM-2-INFCOM-2_en-2.pdf |
142.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:36Z |
17524-2022-S-I-SERCOM-2-INFCOM-2_en-1.pdf |
142.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:36Z |
1520-ACMAD-Lamptey.pdf |
554.7 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:36Z |
13542-data-access-eumetsat.pdf |
1.845 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:36Z |
1301_Promotional flyer-final.pdf |
1.599 Mbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:35Z |
1290_Statement_2021_en.pdf |
5.134 Mbytes |
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1281_en.pdf |
2.398 Mbytes |
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1281_en-2.pdf |
2.398 Mbytes |
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1281_en-1.pdf |
2.398 Mbytes |
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12637-2022-I-SSU Niger.pdf |
152.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:32Z |
12637-2022-I-SSU Niger-1.pdf |
152.2 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:31Z |
1254_Guidelines_on_EPSPP_en.pdf |
4.406 Mbytes |
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1251-INFCOM-1_en.pdf |
4.326 Mbytes |
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1240_en.pdf |
1.625 Mbytes |
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1198_en.pdf |
1.323 Mbytes |
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1150_en.pdf |
1.664 Mbytes |
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10.10.2022-Chapter 1-10 AMHEWAS Standard Operating Procedures (1).docx |
10.03 Mbytes |
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1.5- Nombre de Jours Travaillés de Lambert.xlsx |
94.98 Kbytes |
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1.4- Nombre de Jours Travaillés de Godefroid.xlsx |
94.86 Kbytes |
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1.3- Nombre de Jours Travaillés de Ibrahim DAN DIJE.xlsx |
6.534 Kbytes |
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1.2- Participants n'ayant pas envoyé leur Passeport.docx |
50.89 Kbytes |
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1.2- Participants n'ayant pas envoyé leur Passeport(2).docx |
49.61 Kbytes |
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1.2- Participants n'ayant pas envoyé leur Passeport(1).docx |
50.89 Kbytes |
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1.2- Nombre de Jours Travaillés du Dr André.xlsx |
400.5 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:27Z |
1. Engagement Agreement For CVM Regional Partner_Final Draft_22July.docx |
108.0 Kbytes |
2022-11-02T13:40:26Z |
1. CVM3 Science Consortium Preliminary Results.pdf |
9.573 Mbytes |
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1-s2.0-S2405880722000449-main.pdf |
6.684 Mbytes |
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08_827.pdf |
343.6 Kbytes |
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05_22_REV_Minutes_MONTHLY_TELECONFERENCE_RARS_Hosting_sites ACMAD_July2022.doc |
171.0 Kbytes |
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02803-2022-S-CS-TCG-ACMAD-signed.pdf |
180.7 Kbytes |
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-15-EUFA-Annotated-Programme-v2.3.5-EN-1-FINAL-1-2.pdf |
1.323 Mbytes |
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